Our Products
We support the cutlery, medical, industrial and dental markets with superior forgings.Our products are normally supplied in a "stress relieved" and straightened condition.
For the past 45 years, Schilling forge has been a preferred provider of forgings for cutlery organizations. We continue to provide products in both high-carbon, and various stainless grades to produce the highest quality product.
- household knives
- tactical knives
- utility knives
- scissors
- shears - domestic and barber
Doctors and Dental professionals rely on our forgings for their strength to be able to provide best-in-class care for their patients.
- surgical scissors
- endoscopic handles
- forceps
- scalpels

Making a difference for lineman, arborists, and electricians by ensuring their sure footing and safety, while putting quality tools in their hands that enhance their skills.
- buckles
- gaffs
- hand tools - snips, pliers, wreches
Dental professionals rely on the strength of our precision forgings to increase their comfort and control as they perform extractions and other procedures.
- dental pliers
- forceps

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